The California State University
High School Success
Partnering to Prepare Our Students for Success  
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Frequently Asked Questions

Which high schools are included in your dashboard?

We include California high schools whose graduating students enrolled at one of our 23 CSU campuses anytime since the year 2000. Students who transfer to us from a community college do not provide us with information on their high school. So if all of your graduating students from 2000 onward attended a community college before enrolling at a CSU campus, you may find that your high school is not included in our dashboard. Visit our full list of the high schools for more information.

I don't see my high school in your dashboard. Why would that be? How do I get it included?

Your high school would not be included in our dashboard if it has not had any graduating students enroll at a CSU campus since the year 2000. It would also be excluded if it were not a high school (public or private) located in California. It might also appear to be missing if the name in our database does not match the one you are using in our search. You can review the full list of the high schools in our dashboard for more information. If you think your high school should be included or is listed incorrectly you can contact us via the "Give Us Feedback" link in the footer at the bottom of any page in our dashboard.

I'd like to download the data for my high school. Is this possible?

This feature is now available. Look for the words "Data Download" and a spreadsheet icon near the top right of the school data page. Click on this link to download the school's data as a comma separated values (.csv) spreadsheet.

I'd like to see data at the district level. How can I do this?

You can do this now. Just type in the name of your district into the search bar and hit enter to view aggregate data for all of your district's high schools. If you want to check which high schools we've included in your district aggregation, just click on the "High Schools Included" link near the top of the page.

Can you show data for subgroups (by gender or ethnicity, for example)?

You can view the ethnic breakdown of your students who enrolled at one of our CSU campuses in the second table under the "More Data" tab of the "Enroll at a CSU" section of your high school's report page. We've chosen not to breakdown other data (such as proficiency at entry) by subgroups to protect the individual privacy of our students.